Posted by Fiona Sharp Oct - 20 - 2015 0 Comment
Tell me what inspired you to write about your latest book? After getting great feedback but no publishing deal on an earlier book, I asked my agent what publishers were looking for. She said Middle Grade fantasy was popular and I thought about this, specifically what I could bring to the table that was different. After racking my brains for […]
Posted by Fiona Sharp Oct - 11 - 2015 0 Comment
Where do you find inspiration for your books? It depends on the book, but my inspiration usually comes from some combination of what I’m reading, and where I am (both physically and emotionally) at that point in my life. Lately I’ve found myself going back to a lot of the fantasy classics that I enjoyed […]
Posted by Fiona Sharp Oct - 6 - 2015 0 Comment
Where do you find inspiration for your books? I’m not sure what triggers the initial idea for a story but they do seem to just come to me. I try to read a lot about the world we live in and I think that helps. I’m also a big film fan and have always enjoyed […]