Thank you to the publishers for this early review copy, having loved his previous two books I started this off with very high expectations…
In my opinion it starts off quite differently, it had me wondering what was he up to? Should I be concerned? I kept on reading…
100 pages in and I had to stop for wordle (it was midnight) and of course to sleep, but I knew I was in safe hands this had me entirely hooked.
200 pages in and there was no putting this book down, this was serious! My head was all over the place, I wanted to shake the main character, what was she up to? Was she playing games? Who was this other significant person? Was she losing her mind? What was her husband up to? Was her friend a good friend? Who on earth could be trusted?
This had seriously got under my skin as I reached the final chapters it was dark outside and I had been too absorbed to realise I was now losing the light to read.
Brilliant book, quite possibly his best yet! So that’s just turned the pressure up for book 4 hasn’t it…
Absolutely recommended!
Click HERE to view this book on Waterstones.