Firstly, thank you very much for my VERY early review copy. I will be at the front of the queue for the actual hardback in June – signed & dedicated please Sir Craven.
I was & still am a major fan of his previous book – The Puppet Show, if you haven’t read this already – then please do read it asap!
They are stand alone crimes in the two books, but your appreciation of the characters will be greatly improved by reading them in order.
My fav character is Tilly! She adds a lovely unique element to the books. She must never be side lined Sir Craven…
To anyone who reads the big names of crime fiction only, stop take a break and read this & the puppet show you will definitely not regret it for a second!
The only regret with these books is the wait for the next one!
Given that I have a mention in the acknowledgements in the back of this book and that I love both books – you are going to hear me shout about this book a lot – you have been warned – so just pre order in Waterstones Durham and save my voice telling you repeatedly how great it is!
At the time of starting this book my fav crime read of 2018 so far had been the puppet show – but now that I’ve read this one I am stuck… is this one better than the first or not? I think the plot maybe better but I’m not meeting Tilly for the first time so does it now make it equal footing to my current top read?
Is it ok to have two top reads of 2018 that I can’t really separate and have them both from the same author? This has never happened before – this guy’s books are just too good! But don’t tell him I said that…. keep him working hard on the next in the series… Shh!
Author: M W Craven
Genre: crime / thriller, Fiction, Reviewed
I read The Puppet Show based on Fiona’s recommendations and thoroughly enjoyed it. I gave it 5 stars.
At the end of June, Waterstones Durham crime book group had the pleasure of MW Cravens company, to talk about his new book in the Poe series, Black Summer.
I actually think that Black Summer is better than The Puppet show, and i was even more hooked into this book. I simply couldn’t put it down. I’d award it 6 stars if i could.
There are 2 negatives however, number 1 is book 3 is now 11 months away, and 2, i think there could have been more Tilly. Hopefully this will be rectified in book 3.
Is it wrong to wish your life away to June 2020?
Not sure what I can add to the previous reviews. This book is simply amazing, I couldn’t put it down! I love the characters Tilly and Poe and can’t wait to read book 3. Thank you again Fiona, for another fantastic recommendation.