Having read the previous 5 books by by Matt I was obviously going to read the sixth too.
There is a famous ‘tin’ advert that says you get exactly what it says on the tin… In a very positive way I think this is the same for Matt too.
I love the format of these books, the six stories podcast style – as you read it you feel like you are listening to it. Great skill I think.
A different mystery each time, a series of interviews, untangling as you ‘listen’ with a conclusion that always brings satisfaction but perhaps not in the way you might have been expecting. So if you know the advert I refer too and you’ve read Matt’s books I hope you take this as a positive compliment. I feel I can always just sit down and relax as I read his books while I ‘listen’ to the podcasts knowing full well that once I start reading I am highly likely to finish it in one sitting!
Very happy to recommend the entire series.
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