Thank you to the publishers for this review copy, we are big fans of Malorie Blackman in this family so this was an absolute treat to receive a signed copy.
I devoured this book yesterday (with the odd break to tweet about its brilliance).
Firstly, page 74 – absolutely yes! Something I have said very often.
Malorie’s autobiography both reduced me to tears (so have tissues close to hand) and made me smile. We love her books and as a reader you fall into this vision of a life without struggle as you read brilliant book after brilliant book from this lady. But this autobiography will open your eyes, it certainly did mine. Malorie is one of the most respected authors and one I happily recommend repeatedly to anyone who will listen.
However, this autobiography I think is essential reading – so I recommend you buy yourself a copy, you buy others a copy, read it, share it, talk about it, recommend it.
In my opinion a brilliant read for all teens and adults and something I would love to see being promoted everywhere!
Simply put – absolutely loved it and 100% recommended.
Click HERE to view this book on Waterstones.