Purchased to read as it was shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for fiction 2021.
Readers have resisted spoiling the plot in the vast majority of cases so I won’t spoil it either… I started this book with zero expectations.
If it hadn’t been short listed I would probably never have picked it up, it just hadn’t spoken to me.
However, I have read it and read many reviews of it since finishing… no one seems to have taken away from it what I have… they do say a book is a very individual experience.
But to me this is a book you could hug, wrap your arms around it and protect it forever for what reaction it has provoked. I can’t even recommend any other books based on my feelings after reading as it would give the plot away. It was not at all what I expected. It was so much more.
Recommended but what reaction will it provoke with you I wonder?
Click HERE to view this book on Waterstones.